Competitive PVP

It’s time to turn it up!

It’s what all that training was for. Join us in truly testing your combat skills, character design and teamwork—by tournaments and leagues, may the best teams win!

Competitive matches are often streamed and a great way to witness epic builds in skilled hands. We welcome everyone to join us in the drama this game we love creates. If you like watching to learn or playing with a competitive edge, this is for you.

Let’s Do This

  • We have been privileged to host everything from small to large tournaments and plan on continuing this tradition. Sheets are usually locked for these, and so choose them wisely—there are many other combinations one must be ready for. The past has given us double elimination, round robin, swiss style and champions truly worthy of their crown. The future is open and anything is possible.

  • This is the tournament of champions.

    It is the biggest and best we offer, with a competitive crowd we are more than proud to host. It will continually happen once a year creating legends, as we grow, inviting the best to test their builds and teamwork in full force. Strength and Honour!

  • All competitive events follow either D&D 5e or 5.5e rules as written and our PVP rulesets. Things like team size and level requirements will be posted in each event’s respective space. No surprises; these are meant to bring what you’ve learned to the table.